March 26, 2012

Blogger Blah Blah v.
Facebook Briefs & Tweets

OK, I admit it...I am a chatty Karen.  ;)   In as much as I love facebook it hardly seems the place for a lotta going on and on about stuff.  Of course I can say a bit more there than I can when Tweeting.  In the end I have much more to share than feels appropriate for many of my faceboogie friends.  Soooo for those of you that love me inspite of or perhaps because of my verbaliciousness.....I am back on the blog scene.  YES!! 

So much has happened since I've blah-blogged.  But let's catch up from here ok. I am dancing in the loveliness that is health & wellness through intimate honesty and lots of laughter and play. 

Don't want to miss a beat?  Sign up as a follower or get my posts sent straight to your e-mail (the swanky options are down and to your right).  If facebook is more your thang, no worries compadres, I'll still be there.  Same goes for Twitter.  OK, this Urban Goddess has a date with some ZZzzs.  Before I head off, I'd like to leave you with this sweet song.  Night, night.

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